Regulation & safety

Europe must keep cool over country of origin labelling

Europe must keep cool over country of origin labelling

Always read the small print. Good advice and nowhere more so than in food labelling with today’s increasingly savvy consumers demanding to know what’s in their food, where it came from and what it’s going to do to them.

Lead found in fruit juices and baby food, alleges group

Lead found in fruit juices and baby food, alleges group

By Rory Harrington

A US legal public interest group has filed violation notices under a Californian safety law against dozens of companies after alleging it has detected levels of lead in a range of food and drinks for babies and children.

Green, amber or red for alcohol traffic lights

Green, amber or red for alcohol traffic lights

By Oliver Nieburg

An MEP has called for nutritional traffic light labels on alcoholic drinks ahead of a European vote on food information - industry insiders said this would send the wrong message.

The HVP recall: Damage control déjà vu

The HVP recall: Damage control déjà vu

Not again! It emerged last week that Basic Food Flavors, the company behind the ongoing HVP recall, knew its products were tainted with salmonella but carried on shipping them anyway. Déjà vu anyone?

Industry welcomes FDA claims crackdown

Industry welcomes FDA claims crackdown

By Shane Starling

By issuing warning letters to 17 companies including Nestle and Pom Wonderful, the Food and Drug Administration yesterday demonstrated it had both the motivation and the muscle to remove misleading nutrition and health claims from the market, a move industry...

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