Smart Packaging

Rexam opens PET bottle sale

Rexam opens PET bottle sale

By Neil Merrett

International packaging group Rexam will look to sell its PET
bottle facilities in Central and Eastern Europe as part of its
plans to focus on more globally recognised products like plastic
food packaging.

Kofola opts for PET bottles

Kofola opts for PET bottles

Leading East European drinks manufacturer Kofola has selected PET
preforms from Amcor PET Packaging for two of its juice and mineral
water brands, a move designed to bring the same brand values and
image to the take-home sector as...

Bottling goes hi-tech

Bottling goes hi-tech

Food manufacturers on both sides of the Atlantic will soon be
obliged by law to keep detailed records of the supply chain. As a
result, more and more bottling and packaging lines are adopting IT
technology to meet market - and legislative...

Bottled up

Bottled up

It's that time of year again. Companies are releasing their third
quarter results amid great fanfare, even if there isn't that much
to cheer about. The bottling industry in particular has had a
fairly difficult year, with...

Tetra Pak bottles up

Tetra Pak bottles up

Tetra Top, a packaging system provider within the Tetra Pak group,
has recently launched the Carton Bottle - a new packaging concept
that is said to be neither a carton packaging nor a plastic bottle.

Aluminium bottling

Aluminium bottling

In Japan, Showa Aluminium Can Corporation is to make an innovative
move to start production of aluminium bottles for beverages by
remodelling one of the existing aluminium can production lines at
its Hikone Plant.

Rexam bottles up

Rexam bottles up

Rexam Glass has teamed up with Ty Nant Spring Water to produce the
packaging for the Welsh company's new clear glass bottle.

Labelling for bottled water

Labelling for bottled water

Torraspapel has extended its range of labelling solution in an
effort to muscle in on the ever-growing market for PET bottled
water. The company's new Creaset LWS paper range is said to offer
beverage manufacturers a harder wearing...

Wavy bottling

Wavy bottling

Production of multi-layer containers has begun at RPC Verpackungen
Kutenholz, for a range of polypropylene condiment bottles
incorporating a waved shaping - a configuration that is
traditionally challenging to produce.

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