UK threatens mandatory alcohol labelling

Related tags Alcoholic beverage

A UK government report has criticised the drinks industry for failing to adhere with a voluntary agreement to introduce better alcohol labelling.

The report concluded that 85 per cent of alcoholic drinks are not labelled properly with the information on units and health harms advocated under a voluntary agreement signed between industry and government in 2007.

Public health minister Gillian Merron said: “Despite responsible efforts from some brands such as Bulmers, Fosters, Kronenbourg and the major supermarkets, overall progress on labelling is very disappointing.”

The government threatened to introduce mandatory labelling if the industry continues to drag its feet under the current voluntary arrangement.

“Whilst there should be no need to bring in legislation when the industry can clearly sort it out themselves, we will not hesitate to act decisively if industry does not deliver,” ​added Merron.

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