
Junk Food Babes

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Junk Food Babes

If education is meant to deliver knowledge and wise choices, why
are we doing so little to educate our children about food?

McDonald's: facing fat

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McDonald's: facing fat

There is nothing so redolent of a corporate mid-life crisis as the
strategic equivalent of a new car, new girl and new image, set
firmly on the shoulders of the same old idea. McDonald's, it seems,
is firmly in the throes of...

Water wastage syndrome

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Water wastage syndrome

Praise where praise is due. And it is certainly due for one
small-time drinks firm in southern Britain, which is spear-heading
answers to global water shortages that threaten to wreak havoc on
food producers everywhere.

In food makers we trust?

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In food makers we trust?

In among the hollers about obesity and the concerns over nutrition,
food companies now need to work hard to ensure they clinch public
trust, as a matter of insurance. This means more than compliance on
traceability and labeling. This...

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