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Editor's Spotlight: Startup Focus

Advice for startups: What you can do during a pandemic

By Nikki Hancocks

This pandemic is causing huge economic uncertainty and that’s scary for any startup but it’s also a once in a lifetime opportunity for health and wellness entrepreneurs to educate and engage with a health-focused and captive online audience.


How is Coca-Cola dealing with the coronavirus crisis?

By Rachel Arthur

Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey says that the company is well-versed in surviving crises over the course of its 134 year history: “Every previous crisis – military, economic or pandemic – the Coca-Cola Company has come out stronger”. So how is it dealing...


Coca-Cola volumes decline 25% globally during coronavirus lockdowns

By Rachel Arthur

The Coca-Cola Company’s worldwide volumes have declined around 25% since the beginning of April, with almost all that decline coming from away-from-home channels. “The ultimate impact of coronavirus on 2020 is unknown at this time,” says the beverage...

From social media to ecommerce: how to refocus your brand. Pic:getty/etiammos

How to refocus your beverage marketing plans: 8 top tips

By Tom Harvey, co-founder, YesMore Beverage Marketing Agency

How do you keep people interested in your beverage brand during the coronavirus crisis - and how can you ensure you're ready to hit the ground running when restrictions are lifted? Tom Harvey, co-founder of YesMore Beverage Marketing Agency, shares...

'We must not lose sight of the fact that the regulatory environment for CBD in the UK is a different story to the US' Pic:getty/ira/evva

Does the future of CBD look sweet for the drinks sector?

By Holly Finnegan, Ashbury

The CBD market is now one of the fastest growing wellbeing product categories in the UK. Holly Finnegan, Regulatory Affairs Advisor at Ashbury, looks at the CBD market, the complicated regulatory situation and lack of labelling enforcement surrounding...


Status spirits: Well set to weather the storm?

By Rachel Arthur

The ‘status spirits’ market – brands that retail for $100 or more – is growing ahead of the total spirits market: representing more than $8bn in global value. And while the long-term impact of COVID-19 on beverage alcohol is yet to be fully known, status...

Summer Fancy Food Show 2020 canceled due to coronavirus

Summer Fancy Food Show 2020 canceled due to coronavirus

By Elaine Watson

The Specialty Food Association’s (SFA's) Summer Fancy Food Show, scheduled for June 28-30 at the Jacob Javits Center in New York (which has recently been turned into a makeshift hospital), is the latest major food show to be canceled due to the coronavirus...

MonkFiber doubles as a sweetener and dietary fiber, says Ingredients by Nature

Monk fruit... a new source of dietary fiber that doubles as a sweetener?

By Elaine Watson

Monk fruit (Luo Han Guo) is best known as a source of high intensity natural sweeteners, but it could also emerge as an intriguing new source of fiber, claims Ingredients by Nature, which has developed a ‘sweet fiber’ from the pomace of monk fruit called...

A G Barr has seen an impact of the 'lock down'

Irn-Bru owner sees ‘significant’ impact of coronavirus

By Michelle Perrett

Soft drinks supplier A G Barr, which has brands including Irn-Bru and Rubicon, has revealed it has seen a “significant impact” in out-of-home consumption following the Government ‘lockdown’ on 23 March.

Beer is by far the most dominant drink in zero alcohol. Pic:getty/librededroit

Zero alcohol drinks: The European picture

By Rachel Arthur

Demand for zero alcohol drinks has been growing across Europe. But market dynamics are very different between Western Europe and Eastern Europe, according to Zenith Global.

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