Beer quality and hygiene award

Last minute entries have been requested for the Oxoid Award for Beer Quality and BreweryHygiene, organised in conjunction with the Institute and Guild of Brewing(IGB). The organisers say that entries should be in by 28 February 2003.

Last minute entries have been requested for the Oxoid award for Beer Quality and BreweryHygiene, organised in conjunction with the Institute and Guild of Brewing(IGB). The organisers say that entries should be in by 28 February 2003.

The competition is being run to discover the most innovative improvements within the field of beer quality and brewery hygiene.

Specific fields in which Oxoid expects entries include filtration techniques, improved cleaning processes, identification of spoilage organisms and the monitoring and use of disinfectants.

The 1st prizewinner will receive £500 (€757) plus a commemorative trophy,with 2nd and 3rd prizewinners receiving framed certificates of merit.

The award is open to individuals, companies and organisations worldwide.

Commenting on the new award, Brian Pegnall, chief executive of the Institute and Guild of Brewing, said: "We are delighted that Oxoid has chosen to provide an award for improvements in quality and hygiene. This is a very important area of our industry, but one that often gets taken for granted. The IGB fully endorse the award's aims and are pleased to have two IGB representatives on the judging panel. We are very much looking forward to seeing the first year's entries."

Full details and entry forms are available from Val Kane at Oxoid by emailing ordownloading from the Oxoid and IGB websites: or