
UK-based food safety firm Oxoid has launched the Oxoid Awards for Beer Quality and Brewery Hygiene 2003/2004.

UK-based food safety firm Oxoid has launched the Oxoid Awards for Beer Quality and Brewery Hygiene 2003/2004. The event, which has been organised in conjunction with the Institute and Guild of Brewing (IGB), is now open for entry.

The idea of the awards is to highlight advances in beer quality and brewery hygiene. The closing date for entries is 28 February 2004.

The first prize winner will receive £1,000 (€1,400), while second and third prize winners will receive framed certificates of merit. This year's winners were, in first place, Alison Aitchison from Scottish Courage, followed by Philip May from Adnams and Martin Barry from Salopian Brewery.

Oxoid is one of the world's leading manufacturers and distributors of microbiological culture media and other diagnostic products. The corporate headquarters in Basingstoke, Hampshire is the main production and administrative site, supported by a network of wholly owned sales and distribution companies in Europe, North and South America and Australia.

Many other countries are supplied through specialist distributors. The Oxoid range of products is used in clinical and industrial laboratories to isolate and identify the bacteria or other organisms causing disease or spoilage.

The beer quality and brewery hygiene awards are open to individuals, companies and organisations worldwide. For further information on the event please contact Val Kane on: +44 (0) 1256 329728 or email: