New computer program aids food safety certification

Complying with Global Food Safety Initiative standards will become much easier for food suppliers with the launch of a new computer program, claims its manufacturer Integrated Management Information.

SQFVerified is record control solution that helps food suppliers comply with best practice standards for food safety and quality management as prescribed by the Safe Quality Foods Institute.

This is one of five certification agencies benchmarked and authorized by GFSI.

GFSI standards

Our SQFVerified is a leading edge solution and a critical resource for suppliers looking for a way to comply (with GFSI standards),” said John Saunders, CEO of IMI Global. “It’s a simple, yet effective tool to develop and maintain….safe quality food requirements,” claims the company.

The program helps food suppliers create food quality manuals, implement staff e-learning programs, and build and manage online document storage systems that meet SQF guidelines for record keeping and auditability. SQFVerified also offers suppliers and retailers SQF-certified consulting services.

"Major retailers such as Wal-Mart and others are moving quickly toward adoption of GFSI standards for the products they carry, which in turn will require tens of thousands of factories worldwide to be certified under the auspices of one of these certifying organizations,” said Saunders. “We have dozens of existing customers who will need to adopt similar standards in 2009 in order to maintain their customers.”

No information was available on pricing.

Independent certification

The SQF initiative provides independent certification that a suppliers’ food safety and quality management system complies with international and domestic food safety regulations:

This enables suppliers to assure their customers that food has been produced, prepared and handled according to the highest possible standards at all levels of the supply chain,” says the Safe Quality Food Institute’s website.

IMI Global provides verification and internet solutions for the agriculture industry including livestock verification and tracking using proprietary online systems.