Delete Candy Crush...Get KHS Everywhere on your smartphone!

KHS has launched an Apple iPhone app that allows users to monitor the performance of their filling and packaging lines from anywhere in the world.

The app is designed for plant managers who want to keep an eye on their machinery, as well as shift supervisors and operators - so different areas of the app can be activated for different users.

Users can assess the performance of specific filling and packaging lines or machines, and colors illustrate their current state. For instance, a blue symbol means there is a fault, yellow indicates a temporary warning and green stands for 'all is well'. Red means 'red alert' - that the machine in question is on an emergency stop.

Process parameters are also accessible, such as pressures and temperatures, as are current counter readings and the container types being run.

KHS Everywhere is available for Apple iPhone and runs on iOS 6 software and upwards.