SensoTech targets concentration measurement of liquids
Based on sonic velocity measurement, the LiquiSonic V10 provides an inline analytical tool to determine the concentration of process liquids in industry and research.
The technology is independent of conductivity, colour and transparency of the process liquids.
V10 sensors are 3-A-certified for use in the food and pharmaceutical industry.
LiquiSonic allows multiple component measurements, such as the independent measurement of the alcohol content and residual extract in beer.
It can deal with temperatures between -100 °C (-150 °F) and +200 °C (375 °F) and process pressures of a few mbar to 500 bar (7000 PSI).
The V10 controller allows the user to view multiple process parameters and charts.
If the process conditions change, the user is able to load new product data sets via the USB port on the controller or via browser, said the firm.
In addition to measurement of concentration and density, the phase interface detection and monitoring of chemical reactions like polymerization and crystallization are typical applications.
LiquiSonic Plato analyzes the original gravity of liquids in breweries and LiquiSonic Lab is for laboratory applications.