Effective digital marketing for beer brands: 5 top tips

Digital marketing brings myriad opportunities for brands to reach a wide audience: but communications need to be carefully tailored if they are to be effective. 

‘There’s A Beer For That’ is a UK campaign backed by Britain’s Beer Alliance and various beer brands, although its messages are always brand neutral. Its aim is to promote the wide variety of styles and beers available to drinkers.

Speaking at the International Beer Strategies Conference in Barcelona, Jack Daniel, social & digital lead, shared his top tips for effective digital marketing in today’s world.

Broadly speaking, digital marketing covers the marketing of beer using digital technologies, based on the internet but using any digital means – social media, phones, emails, and websites. 

Accept there’s no such thing as digital marketing

Like the term ‘craft’, ‘digital’ is ill-defined. This means there is a danger that brands get distracted and confused by the word ‘digital’ – and forget the crucial ‘marketing’ part.

“You don’t need to know the ins and outs [of digital marketing],” said Daniel. “The key is it’s still marketing.”

Digital brings new data and technologies to marketing: but people should be wary of using these things simply because they can, not because they should. Rather, focus on what works in marketing and apply it to digital methods.

Pick your battles

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat… the list goes on. Social media is a great tool: but don’t try to be on every platform just because you feel you should. At the end of the day, “no one cares if your brand isn’t on snapchat” said Daniel.

Rather, focus on a couple of key channels and tailor your communications accordingly – different things work on different platforms.

Create content that counts

Avoid creating condescending content that will alienate and annoy followers, rather than boosting your brand.

Meanwhile, think about appropriate timing for content: posts about enjoying beer during a cozy night in at home will work well in the autumn but not in the spring.

Avoid being blocked

Your audience won't follow you if they don't like the content you are producing. 

Think about new, informative ways to reach consumers: for example, There’s A Beer For That runs ‘Beer Match’ – a site that helps users pair the right beers with specific foods.

Remember that likes, clicks and views are not sales

Facebook posts or tweets may be enjoyed by fans: but do they have any intention of actually buying the product?

There should be no ‘dead ends’ in your communications: every post should direct people to how they can buy or engage with your product. For example use a ‘buy now’ message with a link to an online store; ‘go now’ if you’re looking for footfall; or ‘learn now’ if your aim is to engage people with a website.