Soft drinks

Revolutionizing soda: The emergence of a new Modern Soda category

Revolutionizing soda: The emergence of a new Modern Soda category

By Rachel Arthur

Walmart has introduced its new ‘Modern Soda’ category: featuring innovative, better-for-you brands that are far from the traditional sugar-packed drinks loved by previous generations. So what is Modern Soda – and how big is its potential?

Should dairy drinks and RTD coffee be included in soda taxes?

Should dairy drinks and RTD coffee be included in soda taxes?

By Rachel Arthur

The UK government is considering extending its Soft Drinks Industry Levy to milk-based drinks and plant-based alternatives: putting milkshakes and RTD coffee in the firing line. Will this move go ahead - and could other governments consider doing the same?

UK looks to expand sugar tax

UK looks to expand sugar tax

By Rachel Arthur

Championing the success of the policy so far, the UK government wants to increase the impact of the Soft Drinks Industry Levy. It’s already announced an increase to the tax: and is also considering extending it to include milk-based drinks.

Bobabam built a devoted fan base with customizable at-home boba tea kits

Startup Spotlight

Bobabam built a devoted fan base with customizable at-home boba tea kits

By Deniz Ataman

Capitalizing on the boba tea boom during the pandemic, coupled with their love of the Taiwanese drink, Bobabam co-founders, Brian Khoddam, Ron Escopete and Bob Yau, leveraged their expertise in supply chain, foodservice, and data analysis to quickly...

Could sugarcane super crop cut cost of sugar?

Could sugarcane super crop cut cost of sugar?

By Donna Eastlake

The cost of sugar has increased sharply in recent years. Now researchers believe gene editing could boost supplies. But how, and what does this mean for manufacturers?

Should sugar taxes be extended beyond beverages?

Should sugar taxes be extended beyond beverages?

By Rachel Arthur

Most ‘sugar taxes’ are, in reality, ones that apply specifically to beverages. Is this fair – and would extending them to items such as chocolate, cakes and biscuits work?

Do soda taxes reduce childhood obesity?

Do soda taxes reduce childhood obesity?

By Rachel Arthur

The potential of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes to tackle childhood obesity has been a key rationale for their introduction. How effective are they?