Archives for August 29, 2002

← 2002

Wine glass shapes tastebud

Wine connoisseurs have always claimed that the shape of the glass affects how easily volatile aromatic compounds can escape and consequently the impact on our senses- but does the glass shape also affect the wine's chemistry? New research suggests...

Strong growth at CCHBC

Coca-Cola Hellenic HBC, the world's second largest Coke bottler with operations in 26 countries, has reported strong growth in sales and profits for the first half of the year.

Pomegranate pick-me-up

Pomegranate producer, Pom Wonderful, claims that its brand of pomegranate juice has higher free radical scavenging activity, and greater polyphenol content than red wine, cranberry juice and green tea.

Fastest bottling line in the world ?

Orlando Wyndham, the Australian bottling company, has commissioned what is believed to be the fastest wine bottling/packing/despatch system in the world.

Commission green lights Karlsberg buy

The European Commission has given the all clear to the purchase of a stake in Germany's Karslberg by Heinken and its partner Bayrische Brauholding, but has also extended an investigation into alleged anti-competitive practices between the Dutch brewer...