Archives for July 22, 2004

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'Community' spirit lifting brand values

Brands which "build communities around their products and services" and "enable customers to feel as if they own [it]" are the ones most likely to succeed, according to the latest annual survey of the world's top 100 brands from BusinessWeek and...

Rexam completes energy efficient glass packaging plant

Rexam Glass' recent €15 million investment in its glassworks at Dongen, the Netherlands, means that energy consumption (per tonne of glass) from the improved furnace will be within 10 per cent of the best performing glass furnaces in the world.

Molson, Coors confirm merger

The world's fifth largest brewer will see the light later this year with the merger of Canada's Molson group with its US counterpart Coors - a 'merger of equals' to create a company with sales in excess of 60 million litres.

More cash for French wine marketers

French wine producers have been granted more money by the Paris government to help them advertise and promote their wines and combat the increasing threat from New World wines and other alcoholic and soft drinks.