Archives for September 12, 2006

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Green tea cuts risk of death, study

By  Chris Mercer

Drinking several cups of green tea every day could cut peoples' risk of death from a range of diseases, but does not appear to lower the chances of getting cancer, says a Japanese study.

SoyLink powder tech patent sparks new applications

By  Clarisse Douaud

Soy-powder maker SoyLink has a new US patent for its proprietary technology - a manufacturing process the Iowa-based company says will expand current uses for soy in functional foods and beverages.

Grolsch defiant in Dutch beer war

By  Chris Mercer

Dutch brewer Grolsch defended its stand against supermarket price cuts on beer in the Netherlands, despite losing market share in the first half of 2006.

Coca-Cola flies the flag in Afghanistan

By  Chris Mercer

Coca-Cola has returned to war-torn Afghanistan with a gleaming $25m factory, calling the country a 'missing link' in its international business.