Archives for September 19, 2007

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Soda sales in schools fall, says ABA

By  Lorraine Heller

The number of full-calorie soft drinks sold in schools across America has almost halved, according to a new report that examines the progress made by industry one year after the implementation of the National School Beverage Guidelines.

Responsibility rules in Heidelberg

By  Neil Merrett

It is not so much what is going into products, but the manner in which they are produced that dominated the debate at Wild's industry convention in Heidelberg, Germany.

Campari's spirit, Czech beer, and Heineken's rugby fumble

By  Neil Merrett

In the latest news round-up, Campari remains in good spirits despite a decline in soft drinks sales, Czech beer is on the rise and brewer Heineken is still lost in translation over its Rugby World Cup sponsorship.