Cranberries, probiotics may fight ulcer-causing bacteria in children
Cranberry juice or probiotics clear the stomach of children of a bacterial strain known to cause ulcers and cancer, new research reports.
Cranberry juice or probiotics clear the stomach of children of a bacterial strain known to cause ulcers and cancer, new research reports.
This week, Diageo heads to the court over new taxing measures in California, a major US roadway is closed over beer-induced chaos and InBev expresses its concerns to potential takeover target Anheuseur-Busch.
The significance of lighting on shelf-life in photo-sensitive drinks and food products should not be underestimated by processors when considering how to store their products, says a new study.
The functional foods industry in France is booming, according to a report from Invest In France that claims the sector attracted 7 per cent of all new foreign investment projects in the country between 2002 and 2007.