Coca-Cola Energy to launch in the US in 2020
Coca-Cola Energy – the first Coke branded energy drink – will roll out to the US next year: including with an exclusive Coca-Cola Energy Cherry launch.
Coca-Cola Energy – the first Coke branded energy drink – will roll out to the US next year: including with an exclusive Coca-Cola Energy Cherry launch.
What would happen if alcohol and sugary drinks had to introduce plain packaging? A report from Brand Finance estimates the potential value loss to beverage businesses could reach around $430bn.
A pouch that can decaffeinate brewed beverages like coffee and tea has been developed by a chemical engineer from the University of Washington. Decafino’s commercial launch is planned for May of 2020 in the US.
Israeli tofu company Wyler Farms and foodtech startup Innovopro have partnered for the launch of non-dairy products in the Israeli market.
Craft brewers contributed $79.1bn to the US economy and employed 559,545 people in 2018, according to the latest figures from the Brewers Association.
Functional food firm Huel reveals details of an agreement with Sainsbury's to stock its nutritionally complete meal on supermarket shelves for the first time.