All news articles for November 2023

The drink, despite overseas expansion, is still produced in Haiti. Image Source: 1001nights/Getty Images

Rhum Barbancourt: How a spirits brand weathers trials

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Haitian rum brand Rhum Barbancourt has a long history on the island. Despite being set back by 2010’s earthquake, and in spite of the political instability that Haiti contests with currently, it is still expanding, taking its wares to the UK through a...


Ireland to ban TV alcohol ads before 9pm

By Rachel Arthur

Ireland will ban alcohol advertisements on TV before 9pm from 2025 in an effort to reduce children and young people’s exposure to alcohol products.

© vovashevchuk / Getty Images

Euromonitor predicts consumer trends for 2024

By Olivia Brown

Euromonitor International has published its 2024 consumer trends report, which spotlights new demands for convenient and effective wellness support, transparency around brand sustainability, and the implementation of AI to personalise the customer experience.

Plastic bottles' claims to be '100% recycled' and '100% recyclable' are misleading, according to BEUC. Image Source: Yagi Studio/Getty Images

Beverage giants in hot water over plastic bottle recycling claims

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Environmental and consumer rights organisations are taking legal action against Nestlé, Danone, and The Coca-Cola Company, over recyclable claims made about their plastic bottles. They have raised an external alert to both the European Commission and...

Pic: getty/cienpies

Navigating the EU packaging legislation: key insights for sports foods businesses

By Luca Bucchini, Chairman, European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA)

Over the last few years, as part of the EU Green Deal, policy makers have focused their efforts on introducing a series of highly ambitious regulations that mean to bring sustainability to every step of the food chain. Among others, a legislative file...

Pic: getty/brasil2

Bourgogne 2023 vintage ‘surpasses all expectations’

By Rachel Arthur

The 2023 vintage ‘has put a smile on the faces of winegrowers and wine merchants’, says the Bourgogne Wine Board, with the French region highlighting a particularly good year for white wine.

Image source: Getty/Tara Moore

Spilling the tea (and coffee) on natural beverage trends

By Deniz Ataman

The functional and perceived health benefits of tea and coffee paired with their familiarity and diverse usage occasions across dayparts make them ideal platforms for beverage manufacturers to meet consumers’ evolving preferences for indulgence, health...

ADM predicts ramped up colours and flavours for 2024. Pic: ADM

Defiant consumer choice drives flavour and colour trends in 2024

By Gill Hyslop

The flavours and colours that ADM forecasts to trend in 2024 break with tradition and represent the consumer resolve to boldly choose products that appeal to their personal values - with an unapologetic abandon for the flavours they deem tasty and the...


How can the wine industry tackle staff shortages?

By Rachel Arthur

Staff shortages continue to create a ‘worldwide challenge’ for the wine industry: affecting the whole chain from vineyards to hotels and restaurants. With no signs of shortages abating, how can the industry adapt?

Greasy Fingers launches in the UK this month. Pic: Pernod Ricard

Pernod Ricard UK launches ‘Greasy Fingers’ wine range

By Rachel Arthur

Hoping to attract younger drinkers to the category, Pernod Ricard’s new wine range is designed to match gourmet fast food and offer a ‘simple yet hugely effective pairing’ for burgers or takeaways.

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