
Could the E-number be up?

Weekly Comment

Could the E-number be up?

The European Food Safety Authority's review of additive safety
could have a bigger effect on the ingredients industry than the
ejection of certain colours and flavours with a suspect safety
record. It could give the natural ingredients...

M&A: Urge to merge

Weekly comment

M&A: Urge to merge

Mergers and acquisition activity is always ongoing in every segment
of industry, but this summer looks to be a particularly hot one for
food and beverage manufacturers.

Diageo mulls Guinness move

Diageo mulls Guinness move

By Neil Merrett

The future for Guinness's historic Dublin-based production site
seems as unclear this week as the popular beverage
itself, after Diageo announced that it was reviewing the
effectiveness of its production network in Ireland.

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