
The obesity blame game

Weekly Comment

The obesity blame game

Laying the blame for a fatter world at the feet of the food
industry has become a convenient mistake, and until this is
recognized there is little chance of controlling the growing
obesity epidemic.

Organic food is selfish

Weekly comment

Organic food is selfish

The rise of organic food is a knee-jerk reaction to consumer health
fears, and threatens to unhelpfully steer us away from improving
the quality of food generally.

©iStock/Ekaterina Molchanova

Rosé wine sales rocket

By Chris Mercer

Once derided as a poor relation of real wine, sales of rosé have
rocketed across Britain and France over the last few years as
consumers look to expand their taste experiences.

Vodka war splits EU

Vodka war splits EU

By Chris Mercer

Squabbling over what ingredients can be used to make true vodka
threatens to hold up European Commission proposals to tighten the
definition of spirit drinks.

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