Regulation & safety

“We think there could be bigger impacts from getting a handle on promotions and (...) the deep, consistent advertising our children are exposed to on unhealthy foods,” Tedstone said.

Public Health England tells UK government: Sugar taxes do work

By Niamh Michail

All the evidence shows that sugar taxes decrease purchases and curb obesity– but restricting price promotions and junkfood advertising could have an even bigger impact, concludes Public Health England's report to the UK government.

Andy Wood is backing Britain's continued EU membership with both barrels

Brewery boss backs EU membership campaign

By Michael Stones

The boss of Adnams brewery has joined food industry executives and other business leaders in backing the Confederation of British Industry’s (CBI’s) campaign in support of Britain’s EU membership.

Malcolm Clarke of the Children's Food Campaign slammed the government's refusal to consider a tax on sugary drinks as 'absurd'.

UK government rules out sugar tax

By Niamh Michail

The British government has no plans to tax sugary drinks, despite an online petition receiving more than the 100,000 signatures required to spark a parliamentary debate on the issue.

UNESDA: “In the past national rules have made it difficult to commercialise a single sports drinks formula across the whole of the EU and this should be guarded against.”

Calls mount to evolve EU sports foods regulations


European food bodies have reiterated calls to better regulate the sports food, drink and supplement category to ease uncertainty and inconsistency across the EU’s 28 member states – and boost innovation.

A petition started by Oliver could force a parliamentary sugar debate

Jamie wins 100k signatures to force sugar tax debate

By Laurence Gibbons

The government will be forced to consider debating whether to tax sugary drinks after a petition calling for the move by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver gained more than 100,000 signatures.

Minimum unit pricing on alcohol could break free trade rules

Minimum unit pricing on alcohol could break free trade rules

By Rachel Arthur

Scotland’s plans for minimum unit pricing on alcohol could break free trade rules, says the advocate general for the European Court of Justice; but the Scottish government says it will continue to ‘vigorously make the case’ for the policy.

San Francisco recently passed legislation on sugar-sweetened beverage advertising

'The First Amendment forbids the government from compelling private speakers to express the government’s views:' ABA

Soda industry sues San Francisco over sugary drink warnings

By Rachel Arthur

The American Beverage Association (ABA) is suing San Francisco over mandatory warning labels on soda advertisements, saying the rules violate the First Amendment. 

CLA semantics? Reduced body fat mass is not the same as body weight loss, finds the NDA.

“The comments received do not require any change to the conclusions of the NDA Panel.”

EFSA stands by CLA rejection


EFSA is standing by a CLA-weight loss health claim rejection despite an appeal that accused it of failing to evaluate submitted efficacy data from joint applicants BASF and Stepan Lipid Nutrition.

Number 10: TruTag Technologies, Inc.

Anti-counterfeit technologies widely adopted in developed regions such as US, Germany

Top 10 companies providing anti-counterfeit products for the F&B industry

By Jenny Eagle

RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags represent the fastest growing F&B anti-counterfeit products at 20.4% CAGR from 2015-2020, according to Allied Market Research (AMR), an Oregon, US based market Intelligence company.

Calorie labelling should be made mandatory on alcohol: RSPH

Calorie labelling of booze needed to cut obesity

By Rick Pendrous

Calorie labelling on alcohol should be introduced urgently to help stem the soaring rise in levels of obesity, according to the chief executive of the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), which launched a campaign last year to see it enshrined in law.

The impact of increasing the maximum stevia limit in this category would be negligible on overall intakes, the EFSA panel found

EFSA triples approved stevia limit for hot drinks


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved the use of stevia-derived sweeteners at up to 29 mg per litre in hot drinks, following a request from Tata Global Beverages GB Ltd.

Xavier Prats Monne takes on the role from Paola Testori Coggi who resigned following a 'sober' disciplinary inquiry

Ex-education director takes DG SANTE top spot

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Xavier Prats Monne is to become the new general director of the European Commission’s health and food safety unit, DG SANTE, a position he takes on after the resignation of Paola Testori Coggi.