Food And Drug Administration

Farmers market stall

Goal: Help small operations comply with FSMA

Competitive grants on tap to fund food safety training for small businesses

By Heidi Parsons

Having identified a need to provide food safety training to small food processors and farm owners, two US federal agencies have announced they will collaboratively administer a competitive grant program that will fund such training. 

US FDA BPA safety findings

US FDA updates its website on latest BPA safety findings

‘No information to change current BPA exposure guidelines’

By Jenny Eagle

The US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has updated its website to reflect the findings of its latest assessment on Bispenol A (BPA), claiming an adequate margin of safety exists at current levels of exposure from food contact uses.  

Recycled PET from Phoenix Technologies has received the go-ahead from the EFSA to be used in food packaging.

EFSA gives recycled PET a thumbs up

By Jenni Spinner

Phoenix Technologies has received approval from the EFSA for its recycled PET technology to be used in food packaging.

Mark Phillips issues an impassioned online defense of Palcohol

'Like so many others he is completely ignorant about the truth of Palcohol': Mark Phillips

Powdered alcohol creator blasts Sen. Schumer’s ‘completely ignorant’ attack


The colourful creator of Palcohol powdered alcohol has hit out at New York senator Charles Schumer after the politician wrote to the US FDA calling on it to ban controversial product Palcohol before the prospect of US sales by autumn 2014.


Goddess Energy flirts with hoodia in energy drink

By Ben Bouckley

US firm Goddess Energy has launched an energy drink for women called Flirt, which is on East Coast sale as a dietary supplement with one interesting appetite-suppressing bioactive, Hoodia Gordonii.

Top analyst predicts FDA wriggle room in supplement-beverage guidance

Top analyst predicts FDA wriggle room in supplement-beverage guidance

By Ben Bouckley

With the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) poised to publish guidance on distinguishing between beverages and liquid dietary supplements, one analyst tells he doesn’t see the agency cracking down too hard on traditional energy drinks.

The Brazilian industry will phase out the use of carbendazim to meet US standards. (Photo copyright: Nicola since 1972)

Brazil OJ exporters accept US carbendazim defeat

By Mark Astley

The Brazilian orange juice and concentrate industry has admitted carbendazim-related defeat, after efforts to increase allowable levels of the fungicide in orange juice product shipments were shot down by US food safety officials.

FDA warns against Viagra coffee

FDA warns against Viagra coffee

By Shane Starling

A coffee product claiming to assist erectile dysfunction has been deemed an unapproved drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) due to the presence of hydroxythiohomosildenafil, an analogue of sildenafil, used in the sexual aid Viagra.

Industry welcomes FDA claims crackdown

Industry welcomes FDA claims crackdown

By Shane Starling

By issuing warning letters to 17 companies including Nestle and Pom Wonderful, the Food and Drug Administration yesterday demonstrated it had both the motivation and the muscle to remove misleading nutrition and health claims from the market, a move industry...

Are health claims curbing freedom of speech?

Are health claims curbing freedom of speech?

The US FDA is being sued over its health claims regime – actions that are unlikely to succeed according to most pundits – but they raise serious questions about healthy food messaging and free speech that are being felt globally.

FDA promises BPA decision by end of November

FDA promises BPA decision by end of November

By Mike Stones

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has re-affirmed its pledge to review the latest studies on bisphenol A (BPA) and to issue a statement by the end of November about whether the chemical is safe for use in food and beverage containers.

Food safety reform: Not a century too soon

Food safety reform: Not a century too soon

On a summer’s day in 1906 Theodore Roosevelt pushed through new food safety regulation. The Food and Drugs Act passed that day over 100 years ago was the last time the US food safety system was modernized.


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