
Have you got what it takes to lead a global online B2B publication in the $600bn bakery, snacks and cereals market?

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Could it be you? BakeryandSnacks seeks new editor

By Oliver Nieburg

BakeryandSnacks, the leading global trade publication for manufacturers in the bakery, snacks and cereal is seeking a new editor to take it to the next level.

Keeping light-weighted PET bottles user-friendly and safe: Sidel

Keeping light-weighted PET bottles user-friendly and safe: Sidel

By Rachel Arthur

Laboratory testing simulates the conditions light-weighted PET bottles have to endure throughout the supply chain, meaning any issues can be rectified before the product is used in the market. Once a bottle is released, addressing problems can be very...

Coffee making inroads on China’s tea hegemony

China direct

Coffee making inroads on China’s tea hegemony

By RJ Whitehead

Tea has a long history in China and is still the country’s most popular drink, but coffee is catching up slowly but surely, a new report from Canadean has revealed.

Manufacturers need to think about fructose bad press and reformulate fast, says analyst

Will fructose follow trans fats’ fate?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Mounting scientific evidence and a shift in public opinion could mean fructose is set to follow the same black-listed fate as trans fats, argues an analyst.

Rexam continues investment activities despite Ball investigation

Chennai, India, plant will be up and running by the end of next year

Rexam refuses to stop investment activities despite Ball Commission concerns

By Jenny Eagle

Rexam says its Q2 2015 financial results are in line with expectations, and claims ‘although the Ball offer is taking some of our time, we continue to manage the business focused on our strategic priorities’.

Nationalism is not the solution - we're all in this milk price crisis together, says the Dutch Dairy Association (NZO)

Milk crisis nationalism is anti-EU, Dutch tell Commission

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Calls from the French National Federation of Dairy Cooperatives (FNCL) to stop imports of foreign dairy products are contrary to EU single market principles, Dutch groups have complained to the European Commission.

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