Juice drinks

Innova's list of top 10 food trends for 2015 was revealed at HiE yesterday

Health Ingredients Europe

Top food trends for 2015: the full list

By Nicholas Robinson

Insect proteins and fruit-sweetened confectionery are two emerging trends food manufacturers should monitor, according to a list of top 10 food trends for 2015, revealed at the Health Ingredients Europe (HiE) event.

Sofiane Mameri spoke to us during Emballage 2014, Paris

dispatches from Emballage 2014, Paris

Sleever targets shrink sleeve packaging boost

By Joseph James Whitworth

Sleever International has said it worked with food and beverage manufacturers over a period of five years when creating two turnkey systems to boost recycling and reduce carbon footprint.

Tetra Pak, Nestlé, ACES Awards, Singapore

Tetra Pak and Nestlé scoop ‘Best in Asia’ awards

By Jenny Eagle

Tetra Pak Thailand was awarded Green Company of the Year and Nestlé was recognised as a CSR Advocate at the Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability Awards (ACES) 2014 organised by MORS Group, this week.

Orange juice consumption in fourth year of decline


Orange juice consumption in fourth year of decline

By RJ Whitehead

Over 1.5 million fewer Australians are drinking packaged fruit juice in an average week compared with just four years ago, analysis by Roy Morgan Research has revealed.  

Karin Weibel from Aptar at the stand during Emballage

dispatches from Emballage 2014, Paris

A new opening for the closure? Aptar on beverage caps

By Joseph James Whitworth

Aptar Food and Beverage has a lot of ‘projects on the table’ after having products nominated for innovation awards by Emballage trade show judges.  

Whistle-stop stand tour: Crown BevCan Europe & Middle East


Whistle-stop stand tour: Crown BevCan Europe & Middle East


With Day Two of Brau Beviale in full swing, we worked in a whistlestop tour of the Crown BevCan Europe & Middle East stand, exploring the company’s Smartcan and Instant Win innovations.

Amcor Flexibles  INEOS Barex resin closure

Contacting customers with alternative resin samples in the coming weeks

Amcor to test alternative Barex resin after company closure

By Jenny Eagle

Amcor Flexibles is contacting its customers to let them know the company it buys Barex film from is shutting down due to financial pressures and it has started trials to find an alternative resin with samples in the coming weeks.

Coca-Cola HBC Carbon Disclosure Project

Jumps from B to A rating in Carbon Disclosure Project

Coca-Cola HBC to rebrand its cold drink equipment in 2015

By Jenny Eagle

HFC-free coolers, investing €3m in energy saving programmes, such as installing LED lighting across plants in nine countries and expanding the Russian sugar beet industry, to avoid sugar imports, are some of the initiatives Coca-Cola Hellenic (HBC) put...

Coca-Cola recognised for Tetra Pak bio-based plastic

Brazilian dairy Vigor picks up Silver for its Actilife probiotics

Coca-Cola recognised for Tetra Pak bio-based plastic

By Jenny Eagle

Coca-Cola’s Del Valle Reserva juice and Vigor’s Actilife probiotics have been recognised for their Tetra Pak products at the 2014 ABRE Awards (Brazilian Packaging Association).

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